"Universal Credit Is Costing Lives"
As Universal credit is rolled out across Suffolk as the flagship way forward at DWP it has already become the Titanic of the welfare system with gaping holes in its fragile software system resulting in a massive loop hole with thousand of people genuinely unfit for work struggling to survive on half payment whilst they await medical assessment by Maximus who took over the contract from the long suffering Atos who handed the contract back to DWP claiming the system was at fault.Guidelines stipulate that a person should be medically assessed for fitness for work within a 13 week period, however many people have now been waiting over 8 months resulting in many suicides, utility bills not being paid, Homelessness, Food banks being over stretched and the faulting mental health system is yet again in carnage.
We spoke yesterday to many Professional bodies including IHAG, SNAP, HOMEGROUP & MIND who all confirmed there are deep concerns for many vulnerable people and sadly the death tole will increase if things are not done as they should be. Even our insider at DWP said she goes home at night and cries as she and other staff try their best to process the back log of claims but with there efforts being only adding to the bottle neck & back log due to Universal Credit software only achieving to function at 52% of its maximum Potential.
We have also been informed that other critical system links are also failing resulting in people being sent threatening letters from such places the NHS for payment of treatment that they are clearly entitled to for free.

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