Anon Posted:Seeing as Lord Laming will be a guest speaker at University of Suffolk's conference in social care who also acted as head chairman in the tragic Baby P inquiry, would it be possible for him to have a word with the area manager at Genesis housing who acted as landlord to the home that baby p was so brutally murdered in. They have learnt nothing and still to this day house hundreds of people in temporary housing with no real support other than tenants being bullied into not moving on with their lives.
I am a tenant in one of their social housing schemes in the new waterside flats. My support worker says I am not to get a job as I wouldn't be able to pay the rent of near £600 a month top this up with a £60 a week pay out per person by Ipswich borough council in housing benefits aimed at supporting vulnerable people it's about time they done what they are paid to do.
All of the resident here and other towns suffer from mild to sever mental health issues and all we get is bullied with the threat of eviction from the area manager Lee Gladding if we wish to move on in life.
Don't get me wrong I know we all need to pay our rent but there are a hell of a lot of people being forced to live in absolute poverty and desperation with no way out other than crime or death just to suit a giant housing organisations profit margin.
I recently got a letter from the council regarding changes to housing benefits that I do not understand, I asked my Housing Support Officer at Genesis to help me understand what it meant she simply said she could not help me as she was under orders to light touch support with clients and that I should sort it out myself or face eviction.
I ask you is this what social housing and care means these days.
Lee Gladding area manager at Genesis Housing you should be ashamed treating mentally ill people with contempt as you do is totally disgusting and by the look of you it would seem that you unlike us are not in need of a food parcel from charity food banks.

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