Long Time Smack Head Alcoholic Michael Smith Bailed.
Yes you got it Michael Smith with his long criminal history with over 190 previous conviction to his credit many of which are for breach of bail condition was bailed yesterday by Suffolk Police after being arrested & charged at crown Pools with being in possession of a bladed article and using threatening language or behaviour with intent to cause fear.The mind really boggles on this one and I have to ask why hasn't he been detained for his and our safety under the Mental Health Act.
Yet again we see this fellow re-offend in a similar manner to the offence he committed back in 2014 out side the NSPCC offices in Crown Street, the headline then read: Ipswich: CRASBOs for addicts branded futile after alcoholic Michael Smith breaches order four times within five days of getting it.
At what point do we place public safety first before financial costs.

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