Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Monday, 27 March 2017
Anon Posted:
Time to pack your bags you northern twat I always said you are a second rated shit manager that does fuck all other than blame others. While you are at it take light fingered c**t Marcus Evans with you.https://www.facebook.com/spottedsuffolkuk/photos/a.1380401062182232.1073741828.1380399538849051/1842750922613908/?type=3

Anon Posted;
Happy momma's day Nanna when you finish ur fag can I have a ice cream.https://www.facebook.com/spottedsuffolkuk/photos/a.1380401062182232.1073741828.1380399538849051/1842807042608296/?type=3

We all agree what happened in London last week was terrible but should the Security Services now have access to every ones private messages just because Amber Rudd declares that one scum-bag logged into Whatsapp before his cowardly crimes.https://www.facebook.com/spottedsuffolkuk/photos/a.1380401062182232.1073741828.1380399538849051/1843008989254768/?type=3

Anon Posted:
This sick taxi driver just hit a cat on the corner of spring road and has driven off if people are looking for a missing cat or you cat comes home hurt give this tosser a call.
This message of complaint came in : Ebon Sattar Begum
This sick taxi driver just hit a cat on the corner of spring road and has driven off if people are looking for a missing cat or you cat comes home hurt give this tosser a call.
This message of complaint came in : Ebon Sattar Begum
Sunday, 26 March 2017
Saturday, 25 March 2017
Anon Posted:
This sick taxi driver just hit a cat on the corner of spring road and has driven off if people are looking for a missing cat or you cat comes home hurt give this tosser a call.https://www.facebook.com/spottedsuffolkuk/photos/a.1380401062182232.1073741828.1380399538849051/1842022239353443/?type=3&permPage=1

Friday, 24 March 2017
Anon Posted;
Hey spotted so we now know the preferred weapon of choice for a coward terrorists is a vehicle and a crowded street,with that in mind I for one would feel safer shopping in Ipswich if some kind of barrier system was installed during the day time as Ipswich is a easy target for one of those terror suspects they have living among us on a watch list, imagine the carnage on a Saturday Morning.
If IBC wants to still revamp the town centre surely making people feel safer would be a good start.
Spotted says: you sure have raised a good point there Anon as we still have terror suspects on close watch lists living in Ipswich

Hey spotted so we now know the preferred weapon of choice for a coward terrorists is a vehicle and a crowded street,with that in mind I for one would feel safer shopping in Ipswich if some kind of barrier system was installed during the day time as Ipswich is a easy target for one of those terror suspects they have living among us on a watch list, imagine the carnage on a Saturday Morning.
If IBC wants to still revamp the town centre surely making people feel safer would be a good start.
Spotted says: you sure have raised a good point there Anon as we still have terror suspects on close watch lists living in Ipswich

"Universal Credit Is Costing Lives"
As Universal credit is rolled out across Suffolk as the flagship way forward at DWP it has already become the Titanic of the welfare system with gaping holes in its fragile software system resulting in a massive loop hole with thousand of people genuinely unfit for work struggling to survive on half payment whilst they await medical assessment by Maximus who took over the contract from the long suffering Atos who handed the contract back to DWP claiming the system was at fault.Guidelines stipulate that a person should be medically assessed for fitness for work within a 13 week period, however many people have now been waiting over 8 months resulting in many suicides, utility bills not being paid, Homelessness, Food banks being over stretched and the faulting mental health system is yet again in carnage.
We spoke yesterday to many Professional bodies including IHAG, SNAP, HOMEGROUP & MIND who all confirmed there are deep concerns for many vulnerable people and sadly the death tole will increase if things are not done as they should be. Even our insider at DWP said she goes home at night and cries as she and other staff try their best to process the back log of claims but with there efforts being only adding to the bottle neck & back log due to Universal Credit software only achieving to function at 52% of its maximum Potential.
We have also been informed that other critical system links are also failing resulting in people being sent threatening letters from such places the NHS for payment of treatment that they are clearly entitled to for free.

Long Time Smack Head Alcoholic Michael Smith Bailed.
Yes you got it Michael Smith with his long criminal history with over 190 previous conviction to his credit many of which are for breach of bail condition was bailed yesterday by Suffolk Police after being arrested & charged at crown Pools with being in possession of a bladed article and using threatening language or behaviour with intent to cause fear.The mind really boggles on this one and I have to ask why hasn't he been detained for his and our safety under the Mental Health Act.
Yet again we see this fellow re-offend in a similar manner to the offence he committed back in 2014 out side the NSPCC offices in Crown Street, the headline then read: Ipswich: CRASBOs for addicts branded futile after alcoholic Michael Smith breaches order four times within five days of getting it.
At what point do we place public safety first before financial costs.

Thursday, 23 March 2017
Well spotted anon.
Moments after the deplorable scenes in London yesterday as people lay in agony on the floor some grasping for their last dying breath one nasty bastard was captured on live TV smirking and taking a selfie.
Who ever you are where ever you are from we all hope you yourself die of a agonising slow brutal death with a crowd around you laughing their heads off.
Moments after the deplorable scenes in London yesterday as people lay in agony on the floor some grasping for their last dying breath one nasty bastard was captured on live TV smirking and taking a selfie.
Who ever you are where ever you are from we all hope you yourself die of a agonising slow brutal death with a crowd around you laughing their heads off.

Anon posted:
So lets get this right the BBC have come up with the notion to back the promotion of a London transport logo to show solidarity for the victims of yesterdays terrible terror attack, erm Auntie Beeb, the first word in your title is British not London show some respect and fly the union jack after all we as Britz are together in union to condemn these cowards.
You show contempt with you repeated attempts to appease liberal minded racists with your not proud to be British brainwashing corruption tactics.
So lets get this right the BBC have come up with the notion to back the promotion of a London transport logo to show solidarity for the victims of yesterdays terrible terror attack, erm Auntie Beeb, the first word in your title is British not London show some respect and fly the union jack after all we as Britz are together in union to condemn these cowards.
You show contempt with you repeated attempts to appease liberal minded racists with your not proud to be British brainwashing corruption tactics.
A man has been arrested after two men were spotted behaving suspiciously at Crown Pools, Ipswich at 06:50Hrs this morning.
Police, council staff and the Ipswich slur quick to play down the situation on the day after a Police Officer in London was murdered by a knife man.
A man has been arrested after two men were spotted behaving suspiciously at Crown Pools, Ipswich at 06:50Hrs this morning.
Police, council staff and the Ipswich slur quick to play down the situation on the day after a Police Officer in London was murdered by a knife man.

I'm wondering with events today similar to those in France how many of you for at least one night will use the union jack as your profile picture to show solidarity to the victims.
One more thing, if this wanker thought he would be seeing Allah and having 13 virgins waiting for him he shit out as his body will deffo not be buried within the next 24hrs shame the coont died.
One more thing, if this wanker thought he would be seeing Allah and having 13 virgins waiting for him he shit out as his body will deffo not be buried within the next 24hrs shame the coont died.
Anon Posted:I wonder how many people can relate to this :)


I'm not one to start rumours off as you know
:)but is it possible Angela Merkel might have been a SS love child as she/he sure does look familiar :) :)



Anon Posted:Seeing as Lord Laming will be a guest speaker at University of Suffolk's conference in social care who also acted as head chairman in the tragic Baby P inquiry, would it be possible for him to have a word with the area manager at Genesis housing who acted as landlord to the home that baby p was so brutally murdered in. They have learnt nothing and still to this day house hundreds of people in temporary housing with no real support other than tenants being bullied into not moving on with their lives.
I am a tenant in one of their social housing schemes in the new waterside flats. My support worker says I am not to get a job as I wouldn't be able to pay the rent of near £600 a month top this up with a £60 a week pay out per person by Ipswich borough council in housing benefits aimed at supporting vulnerable people it's about time they done what they are paid to do.
All of the resident here and other towns suffer from mild to sever mental health issues and all we get is bullied with the threat of eviction from the area manager Lee Gladding if we wish to move on in life.
Don't get me wrong I know we all need to pay our rent but there are a hell of a lot of people being forced to live in absolute poverty and desperation with no way out other than crime or death just to suit a giant housing organisations profit margin.
I recently got a letter from the council regarding changes to housing benefits that I do not understand, I asked my Housing Support Officer at Genesis to help me understand what it meant she simply said she could not help me as she was under orders to light touch support with clients and that I should sort it out myself or face eviction.
I ask you is this what social housing and care means these days.
Lee Gladding area manager at Genesis Housing you should be ashamed treating mentally ill people with contempt as you do is totally disgusting and by the look of you it would seem that you unlike us are not in need of a food parcel from charity food banks.

Anon Posted:
Hi this might be strange but I may be moving to Ipswich for a potential job, judging by your posts it seems a pretty horrible, dangerous place to live but it can't be all that bad right? I live in the west mids ATM so just hoping I can get some advice?https://www.facebook.com/spottedsuffolkuk/photos/a.1380401062182232.1073741828.1380399538849051/1840765606145773/?type=3&permPage=1

What a busy day to be a Spotter.
We sadly heard today of the death of a elderly Gentleman due to incompetence (RIP Fella)
We had a anon post about ADHD and we all learnt allot from the debate that is still going on.
Even Fisk manor is up for grabs.
White van man was spotted up to his normal dodgy driving.
A cracking piece of parking was spotted in Stowie.
But the best bit of spotting was done when two great local pages (Shit Suffolk & Spotted in Ipswich & Suffolk) came together to agree on one thing: Matthew Kersley the cowardly shit c**t was spotted on his return to good old Ipswich after his early release from Prison. Your sentence isn't over yet custard Kersley the bang up time in HMP was the easy bit, you are on licence chap and every spotter out there is keen to see you back behind bars so tread carefully as we all have your number & Officer Dibbles.

Anon Posted:
This lovely person has been let out of prison today please please refresh everyone's memory!!!!! This women beater coward that also beat and robbed a soldier along with other scum-bags has only served 10 weeks of his sentence for hurting a pregnant woman, his real sentence starts today when he has to face up to what he has done in the community !!!! Thank u spotted for all your support!!!https://www.facebook.com/spottedsuffolkuk/posts/1840299476192386
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
Anon Posted:
This lovely person has been let out of prison today please please refresh everyone's memory!!!!! This women beater coward that also beat and robbed a soldier along with other scum-bags has only served 10 weeks of his sentence for hurting a pregnant woman, his reall sentence starts today when he has to face up to what he has done in the community !!!! Thank u spotted for all ur support!!!
...See more
Anon Posted;
What is it with these council slob parents that believe you open your legs have a child claim benefits then it's up to society to raise them, feed them, educate them and also find them when the child has had enough of being treated like shit.
6 Children a day go missing in Suffolk.
In just a single year, Suffolk Police had to look for 2,338 missing children in Suffolk often as not turning to social media to find them.
Why do so many children run away from home, the sad truth is often many lazy parents can not be arsed to interact with their children and they grow up with no one to confide in other than dirty old paedophiles online.
Scum parents should be named and shamed just like drink drivers are.
What is it with these council slob parents that believe you open your legs have a child claim benefits then it's up to society to raise them, feed them, educate them and also find them when the child has had enough of being treated like shit.
6 Children a day go missing in Suffolk.
In just a single year, Suffolk Police had to look for 2,338 missing children in Suffolk often as not turning to social media to find them.
Why do so many children run away from home, the sad truth is often many lazy parents can not be arsed to interact with their children and they grow up with no one to confide in other than dirty old paedophiles online.
Scum parents should be named and shamed just like drink drivers are.

Friday, 10 March 2017
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
Oh dear someone has PMT today LOL way to go :) :) :) :)
Jayne Mcnasty Mcluster PMT
It's very kind of you to invite me to "like" your page but you know who I am. We had several strong debates. Although I agree with many of your posts and comments I don't agree or approve of your anti Police threads.. so I'm declining but thank you for remembering me. Glad I made an impact.
Spotted In Ipswich & Suffolk
Spotted In Ipswich & Suffolk
Hi Mcnasty
:), many thanks for your feed back, However I am sorry to deflate your ego though but actually we do not know who you are. (Are You Famous ???)
each week we have on average 150.000 people responding or reading our post's, if you choose to like a post on our page as you must have a automated message is sent to that person inviting them to also like the page.
As for us being anti Police this is far from the truth and for your information we have actually worked in with Officer Dibble on numerous occasions to either prevent crime or to identify scum-bags.
Hi Mcnasty

each week we have on average 150.000 people responding or reading our post's, if you choose to like a post on our page as you must have a automated message is sent to that person inviting them to also like the page.
As for us being anti Police this is far from the truth and for your information we have actually worked in with Officer Dibble on numerous occasions to either prevent crime or to identify scum-bags.
Spotted is a page of parody and sarcasm if you haven't sussed this out you may continue to struggle with some of the posts contained on the page.
Kindest regards,
The Spotted Team
Kindest regards,
The Spotted Team
Jayne Mcnasty PMT
The usual vile disrespectful rhetoric from you no shock there... Yes actually In famous .. For putting you in your place re your disrespect to the Police who no doubt you wouldn't name call Officer Dibble if you required them in a life threatening emergency. Think you'll find you're the scumbag actually ...Get a job xxx
Sunday, 5 March 2017
Saturday, 4 March 2017
Friday, 3 March 2017
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