Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Sunday, 25 September 2022

 The multiculturalism dream has come true! Now we can enjoy arson and street battles without having to travel to Kashmir! 🙌

 "Migrant Violence in the UK"

The true face of clandestine migration is that they do not wish to fit in with our communities they wish to dominate you by way of bullying violent behaviour such as this UK child being beaten up by little wankstain bullies.
Shame on the #mediascum who choose to fall silent on attacks such as this one simple because it's a racist attack on a white person.


"Who's Streets"

"Who's Streets, Our Streets"

Officer Dibble can blockade a peaceful demonstration against the clandestine migrant invasion of our shores, Yet they turn a blind eye to the rape & torture of white girls and welcome the dinghy criminals ashore on our east coast. Time to rise up and take back our streets.

Friday, 23 September 2022

 Ukrainian Woman Cries.....

For the real story as to what is going on in Ukraine

"Photographer Attacked In Gt. Yarmouth"

Time and time again we are seeing angry uniformed people attacking and accosting innocent photographers in the street.
Here we see a Hobby street art photographer who is the latest person to be put upon by a violent angry person for no other reason than because power corrupts people and that turns them into tyrants.

Why was this idiot upset, was he doing something wrong or has he just had too many boost shots.
                                              Follow: https://twitter.com/watch_medothis

"Photography Is Not A Crime Idiot"

Friday, 9 September 2022

Mc'Nasty Jaki From Inverness

That moment when you should have just shut the feck up.... Jaki's chippy is now closed due to her being a Bawwww-Bag.



Calls for Race baiting grifter to lose his job

People furiously took to social media today to vilify @trevor8sinclair
calling for him to lose his job as a Talk Sport TV.
The former footballer tweeted what is seen by a majority of people as a race-baiting message shortly after Queen Elizabeth's sad death.
Sinclair realising his outburst was about to create a shit storm that would backfire on him deleted the tweet but not before we screen captured it so everyone can see what he is all about.

Using the Queens death to sow division in our great nation is unforgivable and not free speech. Here's the deleted tweet and
's response.