Saturday, 8 October 2022


This isn't going to make me popular but it has to be said.

The NHS isn't a religious icon that can't blasphemed, it's a place of work that saves lives.
Get back to work you political commie scumbags and stop putting peoples lives at risk over financial gain.

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Sunday, 25 September 2022

 The multiculturalism dream has come true! Now we can enjoy arson and street battles without having to travel to Kashmir! 🙌

 "Migrant Violence in the UK"

The true face of clandestine migration is that they do not wish to fit in with our communities they wish to dominate you by way of bullying violent behaviour such as this UK child being beaten up by little wankstain bullies.
Shame on the #mediascum who choose to fall silent on attacks such as this one simple because it's a racist attack on a white person.


"Who's Streets"

"Who's Streets, Our Streets"

Officer Dibble can blockade a peaceful demonstration against the clandestine migrant invasion of our shores, Yet they turn a blind eye to the rape & torture of white girls and welcome the dinghy criminals ashore on our east coast. Time to rise up and take back our streets.

Friday, 23 September 2022

 Ukrainian Woman Cries.....

For the real story as to what is going on in Ukraine

"Photographer Attacked In Gt. Yarmouth"

Time and time again we are seeing angry uniformed people attacking and accosting innocent photographers in the street.
Here we see a Hobby street art photographer who is the latest person to be put upon by a violent angry person for no other reason than because power corrupts people and that turns them into tyrants.

Why was this idiot upset, was he doing something wrong or has he just had too many boost shots.

"Photography Is Not A Crime Idiot"

Friday, 9 September 2022

Mc'Nasty Jaki From Inverness

That moment when you should have just shut the feck up.... Jaki's chippy is now closed due to her being a Bawwww-Bag.


Calls for Race baiting grifter to lose his job

People furiously took to social media today to vilify @trevor8sinclair
calling for him to lose his job as a Talk Sport TV.
The former footballer tweeted what is seen by a majority of people as a race-baiting message shortly after Queen Elizabeth's sad death.
Sinclair realising his outburst was about to create a shit storm that would backfire on him deleted the tweet but not before we screen captured it so everyone can see what he is all about.

Using the Queens death to sow division in our great nation is unforgivable and not free speech. Here's the deleted tweet and
's response.

Friday, 10 June 2022

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Johnny Depp is innocent

Amber Turd has been found guilty on all counts of defaming Johnny Depp after she falsely accused him of being a woman beater.
Jury awards $12 million dollars to Johnny Depp
Her counter claim against Mr Depp was also thrown out.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

 "Winner Of The Idiot Comment Of The Day"

Goes To: @zebrachon

A lefty Loser called Donald actually believes you can only kill a person with a gun.
Honestly you just can't make this shit up. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 

Guns Don't kill people confused nasty people kill people.

Prove me wrong..!

Whilst our thoughts and prayers go out to all effected by the senseless murder of innocent children in a Texas school it has to be said that right away the Biden camp have jumped on the band wagon to take away peoples right to own guns in the USA.
we have to understand why it is a constitutional right to bare arms in the USA, it's not just to repel foreign invasion it is also so a tyrannical government can not take peoples rights and freedoms away.
The democrats would just love to be able to go full on commie.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

 Yet more imaginary bullshit

The Rape jihad continues

Is turning a blind eye to the rape and torture of woman and young girls the right thing to do or should we all stand together on this issue..?

#immigrationinvasion #sexoffender #standup

Friday, 13 May 2022

"Do You Miss The Don Yet"

"Do You Miss Him Yet"

"Do You Miss Him Yet" The child sniffer creepy Joe must go as well as the rest of the corrupt Democrats who are laundering money in the Ukraine #JoeBiden #CORRUPTION #TheMagaKing #TRUMP2024

Friday, 1 April 2022

 Isn't this what we went to war to stop one ideology from ruling the war...?

Are you ready to starve, are you ready to freeze to death for the NEW World Order.....?

Who voted for these globalist's to take control of of our lives in such a way that endangers us. Convid was just part of the plan and now they have trained you to shut up and do as you are told anything is now possible for a one world government.


 Well done Burger King

All this virtual signalling will resolve nothing other than to swell the egos of the lefty bandwagon riders.

 Has anyone blamed the Russians for the phone networks being shit today.

Just asking for all the lefty sheep out there that are bleating...😂

 Poison's in Test kits may have infected people with deadly toxins.

Why would you ship a lethal toxin to millions of peoples homes..?

 PC Gone Mad.

A teacher at a top Suffolk grammar school has been suspended after they allegedly used a mug with an image depicting the "Prophet Mohammed" on it.

The staff member at Colchester Royal Grammar School in Essex is said to have been photographed with the item, which had a picture from a cartoon series called Jesus And Mo on it. They have been suspended from their role for islamophobia a source said. A spokesman for the school said: “We have been notified that an image has been shared online of an individual appearing to use a cup that has an offensive image on it.

So here's the real issue here, back in the day we done away with blasphemy laws in the UK so priests who hid behind their belief got away with molestation of of children, well we done the right thing there in my opinion because no religion or faith should be out of bounds to and used as a shield for sex offenders to hide behind.

Mohamad was a slave trader who waged war on people for not believing in his false revelations,.
HE was also a rapist who not only condoned the rape of sex slaves but it is a fact he also married a 6yr old girl and raped her when she was nine years old. Now before anyone pipes up and says yes but that was 1,400 yrs ago things were different back then.
Yes you are right but here we are now in 2022 and not one Islamist or Muslim will stand up and be a better example of humanity than mo was by saying today in a modern world their prophet would be a paedophile for raping a 9 yr old girl, Not one disciple of the "Salvation Army Of Peace" will say that their Prophet is not a perfect example of a man in the modern world.
"WHY IS THAT" ...........?

Monday, 7 March 2022

"Real Russian Disinformation By the MSM SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE" 🤣🤣

Bit Difficult to say the least.

Once again here we are witnessing the fake narrative of those with an agenda to deceive you into believing their fake narrative.

#UkraineRussianWar #Ukraine️ #Russia #fakenews

Friday, 4 March 2022

Australian Mainstream Media Censorship

Oh I get it. Free speech is dead, and you can't mention thousands of Russian speaking people being killed by a Ukrainian Nazi national guard unit. Or even dare ask why Putin has invaded...?

Once again it seems we are being told to shut up and believe what we tell you. Oh well at least we didn't get forced to be injected this time.

 One for you butter cup snowflakes that seem to be experts on every bandwagon you and the rest of the sheep in the world parrot the narrative of the false media.



The Stupidity Of Indian Media

This debate regarding the Russia/Ukraine situation on Indian TV is the craziest thing I've seen so far. Apart from the host yelling he also believes India is part of the West

Wait for the ending 😂 #Russia #Ukraine

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

 Don't panic the confused are out in force in London today, Putin is expected to surrender by Tea time tonight.

#Putin #ukraine #Russia

 It seems Poor Old Putin Is To Blame For Everything These Days

#Putin #Russia #USA 

 Live Embarrassing Moment On TV

Then again many might say this is just "Breaking News" awaiting to be announced.

In an astonishing bungle a TV News network showed the photo of #joebiden whilst narrating a news story of a dirty child molester.
I think you can all make your minds up on this one as lets face facts Joe is a creepy mother fucker.

 "Why Are We Arming Nazi's In The Ukraine"

Anyone one willing to talk about the Ukrainian national guard Azov Nazi movement that we are arming, its leader has previously described Ukraine’s mission as “leading the world’s white nations in their last crusade, against semite-lead subhumanity.”