Friday, 30 November 2018

"FakeBook Censorship Strikes Again"

SnakeBook removed this video late last night after mummsie saw her little cherub on Facey and had a hissy fit with the facebook censorship department.

Who are these little cherubs that seem to think it is of to go around the Bramford Gardens area in Ipswich smashing stuff up and acting all tough guy on old people

Thursday, 29 November 2018

"Westbourne Academy Ipswich Stabbing". 

 Westbourne Academy that featured here on spotted two years ago for a bullying incident after footage of a gang of girls attacking another went viral. When we contacted the school we were told that normally the school would take a dim view on bullying especially if it had a racial element to it but however in this case the altercation had taken place outside school so they couldn't act on it.

Earlier this year we had two concerned parent contact us after their children came back from school with Chinese butterfly knives in there possession fashioned from wood, when asked they said that a new student had made them. Spotted contacted the school and was told that it was nothing other than cultural differences and the matter had been dealt with.
In the last few months parents at the school have lost all faith in the head teachers apologist attitude when it comes to double standards in dealing with bullying incidents. One parent has secretly been recording conversations at the school purely because of the amount of times teachers and heads of departments change their stories to suit the situation
It would seem the recent spate of bullying this time comes from a young man who claims to be 12yrs old but drinks beer, smokes and admitted to one parent who went online as a honey trap to get him in his native tongue to admit to her that he is actually over 16yrs old. this came about as the parent told us out of desperation after her son has been regularly beaten and robbed by the alleged abuser.
other cases of abuse at the school by this individual on other students range from physical beatings, robbery and stabbing in one case with a used hypodermic needle.
A parent told us here on Facebook that they had even contacted the Home office about why there was a older boy in a classroom with her son but as is with the Home Offices claims of responding to all inquiries as of yet there has been no reply, hence this parent has gone clandestine in a James Bond style herself to get matters addressed.
How far would you go into taking the law into your own hands if your child was at risk from a failed system that allows this kind of thing to go on ?????????

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Wednesday, 17 October 2018

"Bitch all you like"

Oh deary deary, some snowflakes just don't get it, you wont ever beat us and being a facebook snitch just makes us a winner and you a loser.

When ever Facebook removes a post we just share it to all our other platforms so a wider audience gets to see that content.

Always a nice day to be a Blogger 

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

For some reason some snow flake doesn't like our video so here it is again.

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Man stabbed twice in one day in two different locations #stabtown

Police called to a stabbing incident at Oaks Caravan Park in Kirton Road, Bucklesham, just before 5am today, (Saturday, August 11)
The 30yr old victim was taken to hospital for treatment to stab wounds in his arm but left shortly afterwards.
Officers were then called at 12.25pm today to a second stabbing in Glebe Close in Ipswich.
The same 30-year-old man had suffered stab wounds to his arse and back.

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Johnathon Paul Halls of chantry Estate Ipswich

#sexoffender #keepchildrensafe

2 counts of voyuerism.... 
1st account:Taking photos in women's toilets at work. 
2nd account: was upskirts while girls are working
2 counts of images of children
1 a computer generated image
1 real child image
And 1 count of extreme pornography.
Sentence was 10 months suspended.
10 years on sex register.

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Liam Pratt Sex offender/expectant father     Image may contain: 1 person, beard 


An Ipswich man who had sex with a “vulnerable” 15-year-old girl after meeting her at a party has been jailed for three years. Liam Pratt, 23, gave the girl cannabis and on one occasion had a “threesome” with her and another man, Ipswich Crown Court heard. Pratt, of Spenser Road, admitted two offences of sexual activity with a child. Jailing him for three years, Judge John Devaux said Pratt had consensual sex with the girl. “If you didn’t know her age on day one you knew it shortly afterwards,” the judge said. He said the girl has several health issues and he had no doubt her experiences with Pratt contributed to her difficulties. Judge Devaux accepted Pratt had not targeted the girl or used cannabis to facilitate the offences. In addition to jailing Pratt, Judge Devaux made him the subject of a sexual offences prevention order for seven years and ordered him to sign the sex offenders’ register for life. Marcus Croskell, for Pratt, said his client had been working at Felixstowe docks but lost his job after pleading guilty to the offences. He said Pratt did not know the girl was only 15 when he had sex with her. He accepted Pratt should have walked away from the relationship once he realised her age. He claimed the girl was a willing “threesome” participant and helped select the other man who took part on Facebook.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

The British Brainwashing Corporate has just shown this charming mini documentary. #WTF

Enjoy a warm sunny Summer solstice 

And before any #snowflake sends in a complaint, NO these people are not K.K.K. members these are Druids and our ancestors   🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Junkie Taxi Mother Sent Down

Joanne Birt From Woodbridge was sentenced to two years and three months for her part in the supply of class A drugs.
Akeem Long, 26, of Samuel Court, Ipswich, was jailed for five years after admitting 11 charges, including the supply of drugs.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Legal team set to get Tommy out. #freetommy

Johnathan Baigent, Ipswich. 

Arrested for child grooming for the fourth time.
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UKIP Leader defends British Servicemen who gave their all to protect and serve you. Well said Sir.


Hi all after recent event within our local community regarding violent/ knife crime my business partner and I has set up a charity organisation to target awareness of these acts in our local community we aim to educate the young in these acts and teach them there is more to life then violent crimes. Support of the victims and families plus community’s is also a huge task and we aim to work with local police councils and community to make this happen, we need to come together as one town one community and say stop enough is enough. We need everyone’s support on achieving our goals no matter how large or small like us on Facebook Be Lucky Anti Crime Foundation follow on instagram @beluckyanticrimefoundation 

beluckyanticrimefoundation's profile picture

Can you post this please

There has been two incidents in Alexandra Park one a group of middle aged men flashed an older lady and another group of middle aged men and also described as Eastern European grabbed a women and tried to steal her two little dogs but were stopped by a Romanian man police have been informed. All incidents have targeted older women walking little dogs on there own. this is a very worry time with so many children and woman using the Parks facilities.

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Hi Spotted, seeing as you're reporting all the stabbings. there was an unreported stabbing in town Friday night about 6.45 outside Neros This guy who is one of our local characters...the guy who wears all the white make up leather trench coat big boots harmless...well he was the victim. On Saturday in Rope Walk a gang of east European looking men took a bike from a young lad by way of threatening him with what looked like a screwdriver. Police were called but by the time they'd got there the gang had dispersed to hang around Alexandra Park...
I'm a Londoner, I moved here to get away from this shite and it's fricken followed me...I'm so accustomed to this unfortunately. Please don't allow this lovely Town go the way London has, people need to unite to say enough is enough. #stabtown

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Searching through archives it came to thought of just how lucky you girls where back in 1976.cop a look at these mullets  lol

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Police search for a "Death Squad" of black men who went on the attack in Ipswich.

Yet another stabbing has taken place by cowardly carntzzzz that cant fight without a blade or being in 

numbers with other scum bags. #stabtown

Convicted Ipswich drug dealer/Robber charged with Murder.

22-year-old Aristote Yenge from Ipswich, and a 16-year-old boy from Colchester (who cannot be named for legal reasons) have both been charged with the murder of Tavis Spencer-Aitkens.

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Monday, 15 January 2018

Facebook Censorship Sees New Admin Banned

Our latest Admin on FrigidBook was ban for posting sexual material within days of posting to your page. 

Honestly our number one page fan was quick of the mark after this image was posted under the heading of local dog walker finds discarded packaging in lovers lane and he/she or a person on none descriptive gender promptly reported the post

Come on Facebook really, Fix your shit, :) :) LOL