Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Has anyone noticed how Numpty Paul Geater of the EADT is pulling out all the stops to get his boy Gimpy Gummer re-elected, now we like people to be informed but this wooden top has mentioned no other candidate other than downing streets tea boy in his latest cock-wobble posts. Give it a rest Geater no one listens to your bollocks after you tagged people who voted for Brexit as Nasty people.

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Monday, 24 April 2017

Anon Posted: Amanda Louise Ellis aka Samantha Louise Ellis Fakes Cancer To defraud.

Just to warn the residents of Station street that you have a new neighbour living in the street (formally from Austin street) this delightful "lady" is a drug dealer selling her prescription medication (not that the NHS is at breaking point) not just that but she will also sell you a sob story about her "cancer" she has recently been exposed as a fraud playing the cancer card for her own gain. Many kind hearted people have sent her money , gifts, helped her and given emotional support. Please don't get sucked in by this parasite and please DO NOT GIVE HER ANY MONEY OR GIFTS OUT OF SYMPATHY. 
Her alleged boyfriend is one of Britains got talent contestants yet it's all a secret but she tells everyone about him poor bloke having his name associated with that dirty sewer rat.


Dereck Duberry was seen this weekend selling stolen property at a local carboot sale in Suffolk.

Way to go numb nuts you got spotted lol :)


Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Foreigners accounted for 105 murders, rapes and other crimes in the Suffolk area within the last 12 

months according to latest figures released by Suffolk Constabulary. With Brexit looming closer should the home secretary not as a measure of safety immediately close or tighten our border controls up right away due in part that no criminal back ground checks are carried out until often it is to late and a innocent person has been hurt or killed, why is it so hard to scan a persons fingerprints on entry to our beloved fair land. Tim Passmore said: “I am deeply concerned that at present, foreign nationals with serious criminal records are able to travel freely into and within our country. “Some crimes committed by these individuals are particularly abhorrent including rape, murder and human trafficking and I believe it is wrong that such people can have unfettered access to the United Kingdom. “Equally, I would have thought other nations would not welcome criminals from the United Kingdom who have committed similar offences to travel to their nations unimpeded.

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Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and textImage may contain: 2 people, beard