Monday, 29 February 2016
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Do you know where Jake Pegram is?
He is wanted in connection with a domestic assault case which includes physical, psychological, sexual, financial or emotional abuse
This Scum Bag failed to appear at Colchester Magistrates’ Court on January 11 in connection with another assault in Colchester on December 20.
Pegram, 21, is described as being about 6ft tall, of medium build, with dark brown hair and a goatee beard.
Fishing boat towed to safety by lifeboat crew after almost sinking off Walton coastline
The Misty Lady charter fishing boat was dramatically saved from sinking yesterday by the HERO'S of the RNLI
The incident happened around five miles off Walton Pier at 1.30pm.
Coastguard teams were alerted after a radio signal from the only person on the 33ft vessel reporting he was taking on water.
The Walton RNLI lifeboat crew went to the man’s aid and helped to pump water from the boat, as well as rescuing the man from a life raft.
A spokesman from the lifeboat station said the boat was just “a couple of inches” above the water when the crew’s engineer found the problem was a faulty exhaust valve, which was sucking in water instead of expelling hot gas.
The rescue team then bent the exhaust above the water line and continued to pump out the vessel, before it towing it back to Titchmarsh Marina.
The lifeboat returned to the marina at around 4.30pm
Pathetic sentences handed down to Ipswich scum-bag involved in a nationwide bank fraud gang.
Romario Gentile, aged 25, Cornflower Close, Ipswich formally of London given a trivial 12 months in prison for his involvement in a crime that saw hundreds of people defrauded, Romario Gentile will only serve 6 months.
Ten people have been sentenced – five of them to a total of more than ten years - following national bank fraud, investigated by Suffolk and Norfolk Cyber and Serious Crime Department, which targeted 200 victims across the UK.
The enterprise involved the targeting of affluent apartment blocks in various locations throughout England, including Doncaster, Liverpool, London, Norwich, Nottingham, Sheffield and Tunbridge Wells.
Access to the blocks was obtained by members of the group who obtained tenancies using stolen identities and by producing false employment references. At least two bogus companies were set up to provide these references and land line numbers were also purchased via the internet to give these companies the appearance of legitimacy.
- Daniel Frank, aged 38, of Perth Road, Ilford, Essex, was sentenced on eight counts to a total of 40 months (three years and four months) imprisonment.
- Lawrence Siaw, aged 41, Festival Close, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, received 60 months (five years) for three counts.
- Romario Gentile, aged 25, Cornflower Close, Ipswich, and Hamza Ahmed, aged 36 of High Road, Leytonstone, were both jailed for 12 months, while Kim Thompson, aged 52 of Homefield, Waltham Abbey, was jailed for 10 months.
- Five others were given suspended sentences -
- Terence Mensah-Bonsu, aged 42 from Mann Island, Liverpool, Merseyside, was given a 12 month sentence suspended for 18 months.
- Claire Leslie, aged 30 from Dunster Avenue, Westcliffe-on-Sea, Essex, received a 10 month sentence suspended for 18 months and was ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid community work, while Katie Leslie, aged 26 from Surbiton Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, was given a 10 month sentence suspended for 18 months, was ordered to do 100 hours of unpaid work and a six-month supervision order.
- Amie Hodgson, aged 28 from Southchurch Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, also received a 10 month sentence suspended for 18 months and was ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid community work and Shareen Randles, aged 30 from Peel Street, Liverpool, was given a 10 month sentenced suspended for 18 months and a two-month curfew.
Monday, 22 February 2016
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Car and lorry collide on A14 eastbound at Wherstead.
The crash happened just after 10pm and involved a lorry and a Toyota Avensis.
Spotted Say's: With crashes on and coming off the bridge being almost a daily event is it not time the Highways agency and Suffolk Country Council started to use their heads by imposing a strict 50mph speed limit on the Orwell Bridge, Lorries to be confined to the inside lane, no lane changing whilst on the bridge and while they are at it re design the slip road from the petrol station or close the feckin place down.
How many accidents have to happen before some over paid twat uses common sense and make these changes happen.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Dramatic rise in reports of sexual and violent crimes in south west Ipswich
The statistics include rape, sexual assault, grooming, trafficking, exposure, assault, murder and attempted murder, manslaughter, harassment, stalking, modern slavery and kidnapping.
In November 2015, 105 crimes of this nature were reported to Suffolk Constabulary, according to police data provided to Ipswich Borough Council. This was a rise of more than 78% from November 2013, when 23 violent and sexual offences were logged by the force.
Police chiefs have put the dramatic rise down to an increased confidence in victims to report these offences and because of changes in the way crimes are recorded nationally.
Spotted says: Blah Blah Blar, The real issue here is the influx of so called Refugees, illegal immigrants and Ipswich being used by the Criminal justice System as a dumping ground for nonces.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Syrian Refugees coming to Ipswich
Suffolk to take 200 of the UK Governments target of 2,000
The UK government has agreed to take 20,000 vulnerable Syrian refugees over the next five years. Suffolk has made an offer to take 200 of them and it looks as if the majority will be coming to the Ipswich area from March 2016 onward
The first families are thought to be going into properties off Foxhall Road (beyond the railway before St. Clement's) and into the Whitehouse area of Ipswich.
It is hoped that the good people of Ipswich will open their homes and hearts to these vulnerable people who's men decided to flock and run away to distant boarders leaving behind their women folk and children.
Monday, 8 February 2016
Police appeal for witnesses after the theft of
a purse from an elderly woman in Ipswich
Police are appealing for witnesses after the theft of a purse
from an elderly woman whilst in a department store in
The incident happened between 4pm and 4.30pm on Friday 5 February in Westgate Street
The woman entered the store, placed her purse on top of her handbag and selecting food to purchase. When she reached the tills, she realised her purse was missing.
The bank cards where then used to withdraw an amount of cash from an unknown location.
The purse, which also contained an amount of cash, is described as blue coloured with a dog on front.
Anyone who witnessed the incident or has any information is asked to contact PC Phil Burton from Ipswich on 101 quoting crime reference 37/16341/16 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
Ipswich man goes banannas brandishing a axe when baliffs came to his home is jailed
Careem Shah had been charged with affray and possession of a weapon in a public place following an incident in Sycamore Close, Pinewood, on August 21 last year which attracted media publicity at the time.
However, when Shah appeared at South East Suffolk Magistrates’ court the accusations were amended and the 29-year-old pleaded guilty to threatening behaviour and possession of an axe.
District Judge Celia Dawson sentenced Shah to 16 weeks’ imprisonment. He must also pay £80 to the victims’ fund as well as £50 each to the three baliffs who attended his property on the day of the offences.
Shah’s co-accused Kyle Sharpe, of Hall Pond Way, Felixstowe, also admitted threatening behaviour at the same hearing.
The 25-year-old was given a 12-month community order. Sharpe was also ordered to pay costs of £85 and £60 to the victims’ fund.
Previously prosecutor Lucy Miller had told the court the incident began just before 2pm when baliffs went to Shah’s home to carry out a court warrant. Shah owed £590 to Southend Magistrates’ Court.
Shah answered the door and was told he must pay the debt or property would be seized in lieu of it.
He closed the door and appeared a short time later to ask for a moment before they carried out the warrant.
The court heard he then re-appeared and said to the baliffs: “I’m going. You crack on.”
Shah then drove off in an Audi.
The property was locked so baliffs left their telephone number on the door.
They later received a call from Shah who had returned with two men and a woman.
After going back to Sycamore Close one of the baliffs began to clamp Shah’s Audi as there was no answer when they knocked on his door.
Shah was in the garden of his property and when he became aware of what was going on went around to the front with the others.
A scuffle broke out.
The court heard Shah got into the Audi and reversed it causing the clamp, which had not been fully fixed, to come off.
Towards the end of the incident a man got into the Audi and drove away.
Shah, who had got out of the vehicle, was then said to have made threats against the baliffs telling them the ‘boys were coming’. He then went into the house before re-appearing with an axe.
The court was told Sharpe tried to calm the situation down.
He then got into another vehicle and was driven away, spitting at one of the baliffs hitting him on the arm.
Shah disappeared into the house.
Two other people are due to stand trial in relation to the incident.
Lindsay King, 28, of Willowcroft Road, Ipswich, and Aaron Mathias, 24, of Orwell Gardens, Ipswich, have denied threatening behaviour.
Their trial is scheduled for March 24.
Illegal immigrant jailed over large scale weed factory bust in a Ipswich house.
An illegal immigrant who was found in an Ipswich house which had been turned into a cannabis factory has been jailed for a pathetic eight months.
Police officers who forced their way into a house in Powling Road on November 25 found that every room in the property, apart from the kitchen, had been given over to growing cannabis, Ipswich Crown Court heard.
The rooms were covered floor to ceiling with plastic sheeting and there were
also a number of heat lamps and ventilation pipes,
said Gareth Hughes, prosecuting.
A total of 180 cannabis plants and 216 seedlings, with a potential wholesale value of £30,000, were seized by officers.
Shefget Marku was the only occupant of the house and he told officers he had entered the UK illegally five months earlier in the back of a lorry.
The 38-year-old said the people who brought him into the country from Albania told him he would be doing maintenance work and had dropped him off at the house in Powling Road.
He said he was told he owed £6,500 for his passage to the UK and was told to feed and water the plants at the Powling Road address.
He said he was given
£200 a month to feed himself and he hadn't run away because he had nowhere else to go.
Marku admitted production of cannabis and was jailed for eight months.
Charles Falk, for Marku, said his client had been cynically exploited by people more criminally aware than him.
After his arrest Marku said he had come to England from Albania so he could earn money to send back to his family.
Marku had been living in the kitchen of the house in Powling Road where his bed and a television were discovered.
Reproduced from Ipswich Star
Young Ipswich family left ‘violated’ after burglars take ‘sentimental’ items
Thousands of pounds worth of jewellery, including an engagement ring and a family heirloom, were stolen from the home of a young Ipswich family.
Ross Wilson was at his mother’s 60th birthday party in Hadleigh last Saturday with his wife and two children – Elijah, three, and one-year-old Casper – when their home in Palmerston Road was burgled.
The family left home at 11am and returned at 3pm to find the door to their utility room was open and the drawers in the couple’s bedroom rifled through.
Among the items taken was a white gold ring with a green gem, which was the first ring that Mr Wilson gave to his wife, Sarah, 32, around 11 years ago. Also stolen was a gold ring with a flower on that was left to Mrs Wilson by her grandmother when she died 15 years ago and had been in the family for more than 60 years.
The thieves also took Mrs Wilson’s gold diamond engagement ring, two men’s Armani watches, a Dell laptop and 10 pairs of cuff links, one of which was given to Mr Wilson as a graduation gift from his grandmother.
Mr Wilson, 31, said he and his wife were devastated by the burglary.
Reproduced from Ipswich Star
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Burgling duo disturbed by resident in Ipswich this morning
A resident returned to his home this morning to find two men burgling it.
Police were called at 9.10am to the break-in in Nacton Road, Ipswich.
Jewellery and bank cards were stolen when the pair ran off having been disturbed.
Two men, aged 31 and 28 from the town, were arrested ten minutes later by officers in nearby Rosehill Road.
They are being questioned by detectives at the Martlesham Police Investigation Centre on suspicion of burglary.
Any witnesses should call Ipswich CID on 101 quoting CAD 66 of February 4.
Six Toed Norfolk People
The old adage of owners resembling their pets has been proven.
Meet Trooper who was found abandoned just inside Norfolk.Trooper has an extra hoof, which leads me to think that just maybe six toed people in Norfolk do really exist.
OK all jokes aside, Trooper is now safe and sound in Suffolk.
Here is Troopers story it's one of neglect and cruelty.
Equine charity the Horse Rescue Fund, based at Toft Monks, Beccles, was called to reports that the
stallion had been left in an area between a railway and a river – his only access to water.
The horse, named Trooper by the charity, was in relatively good condition to his body, but his mane
and tail were matted and his hooves were in a bad condition and it was clear he had been neglected
for some time.
and tail were matted and his hooves were in a bad condition and it was clear he had been neglected
for some time.
Sue Albone, from the charity, said: “Shy and wary at first, he was placed in isolation for assessment
where the staff were shocked to discover, on removal of his feathers, that he had an extra hoof.
where the staff were shocked to discover, on removal of his feathers, that he had an extra hoof.
“Sometimes referred to as an extra digit, it is situated on the inside of his foreleg, coming off at the
fetlock joint, and although not unheard of, it is very rare.”
fetlock joint, and although not unheard of, it is very rare.”
Examinations and X-rays by vets showed that he has a duplicate lower limb originating just below the
knee with a well developed second cannon bone followed by the other bones which are not completely
normal in size or development.
knee with a well developed second cannon bone followed by the other bones which are not completely
normal in size or development.
In the early 1900s there was a famous Shire, Norfolk Spider, born with six digits and nicknamed the
Six Footed Shire.
Six Footed Shire.
Ms Albone said: “The removal of Trooper’s feathers had revealed the extent of his problems.
“Where the extra digit had been allowed to grow and strike the ground repeatedly the pressure had
created a large split in the skin which had become infected with maggots.
created a large split in the skin which had become infected with maggots.
“His main hoof, although somewhat shortened should, in time, improve with regular trimming.
“The farrier’s first job was to carefully reduce the extra hoof in length by some 4cm, avoiding the
sensitive tissues within, thus reducing the risk of injury to his other leg.”
An extra digit can be removed for cosmetic purposes or to prevent further injury but as Trooper can
manage sufficiently, it has been decided not to operate for the foreseeable future.
sensitive tissues within, thus reducing the risk of injury to his other leg.”
An extra digit can be removed for cosmetic purposes or to prevent further injury but as Trooper can
manage sufficiently, it has been decided not to operate for the foreseeable future.
Reproduced from Lowestoft Journal
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
More than a dozen Romanian Rapists, Robbers and thieves have committed crimes in Ipswich within days of arriving in the community.
Toader Articuci, of Ranelagh Road, Ipswich is the latest offender to be convicted of an offence committed within days of entering the country, he was sentenced to two years in jail by Ipswich Crown Court last week after being found guilty of burglary and burglary with intent to steal at properties in Chantry.
Articuci had denied burgling a house in Greenfinch Avenue on August 8 last year, and burglary with intent to steal at a house in Robin Drive on the same date.The break-in at Greenfinch Avenue took place at around 12.30am. Articuci took keys to a hire van and a mountain bike.Four hours later he was foiled in an attempt to burgle a home in Robin Drive.The occupant was asleep but was awoken by her dog Polly after hearing a bang she called the police and Articuci was arrested fleeing the scene.
Politicians and Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore are now actively calling for a universal system at ports and airports which would highlight when a foreign criminal arrives in the UK to stem these criminals entering the country to target our Town.
Police under criticism for waiting 12 hours to tell public about Chantry burglary
Local Councillors are infuriate at the lack of Suffolk Police information sharing on major gun fire incident.
Councillor for the Sprites ward, Roger Fern, Said if it wasn't for Spotted pages on Facebook he wouldn't of know what was going on in the area he is elected to represent.
Today the hunt goes on for the three armed intruders thought to be yet another London Drug gang plying there evil trade on the streets of Ipswich.
The three scum-bags are described as follows:
Man one: black, 6ft tall, slim, aged in his mid 30s, with a beard and short Afro hair. He was wearing a high-visibility jacket
Man two: mixed race, 5ft 9in – 5ft 10in tall, stocky, aged in his 20s. He was wearing a rolled-up balaclava covering his forehead and a black hooded top
Man three: black and wearing a full balaclava
A black BWM 1 Serries similar to the one featured here is also being searched for.
We can also reveal that 3 blackmen in a black BWM has been seen in the Maidenhall Hall and Downside area regularly over the past few months.
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Shot fired as armed robbers flee gunpoint raid on Chantry home
Three men are on the run after holding the occupants of a Chantry home at gunpoint last night.
Police were called at 8.30pm to reports of an incident in Manchester Road, where three men forced their way into a house and demanded money from the occupants, threatening them with a handgun.
The men then left the house, taking a quantity of money and making off in a dark BMW towards Tesco, pursued by the victim.
The two vehicles were then involved in a collision on Hawthorn Drive, where the victim reported the offenders fired the gun before driving off. No one was harmed.
A police cordon is currently in place in Hawthorn Drive at the scene of the collision and alleged gunfire, with the road closed at the junction with Bridgwater Road.
Any witnesses to this incident, or anyone with any information, is asked to contact Ipswich CID on 101 quoting reference 15452/16 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Republished from Ipswich Star.
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